This phenomenological study delves into the lived experiences of learners struggling with frustration levels in reading. Recognizing the significance of aiding such individuals, and comprehending the multifaceted impacts of their difficulties on emotional, social, cultural. and academic domains becomes imperative, thereby necessitating a tailored reading intervention program. Employing a mixed-methods approach integrating qualitative and quantitative methodologies, data were collected through questionnaires and guided interviews, and then analyzed through a comprehensive six-phase method. The study encompassed 15 learner- participants and 10 teacher-participants. Results highlighted the diverse challenges encountered by these learners in reading-related tasks, with consequential results across aspects. Furthermore, the findings emphasized the adoption of coping mechanisms by learners and highlighted the indispensable support systems from parents, peers, teachers, and the educational institution. In conclusion, the implementation of a reading intervention program emerged as pivotal in empowering learners with a frustration level of reading and fostering their holistic development.