The cult of chivalry in the Albanian Heroic songs, which represent the most artistically elevated part of the Albanian oral epic characterized by numerous linguistic and poetic values, is quite present and testifies to the rich and ancient world of songs.The knightly cult in these songs is expressed in different forms and implies, first of all, the strength of the knight, his bravery, his ability, and his willingness to face others and engage in duels with mighty braves. Furthermore, this cult is closely linked to the efforts and adventures to gain fame, to kidnap and attract beautiful girls, to protect the pastures, or to preserve the honor of the family and the tribe from various attackers. A knight can think twice about any undertaking or action, but he would never think twice when it comes to fulfilling a task set by a beautiful girl, even if he has to pay for it with his life. After all, death by fulfilling this purpose is part of the chivalrous ideal, an act that implies pride, honor, and cavalry fame.The cult of the beautiful woman is essentially rooted in the character of the chivalric world and chivalric action. A real knight is not just a knight: he has a horse, weapons for the fighting arena, for feats and battles, and he fights for beautiful women.